VENEZUELA - When people talk about Venezuela they usually mention Oil and Hugo Chavez! Venezuela is rich in oil deposits and political controversy (pro or anti Chavez!). Caracas is a major city with millions of persons and a superb climate. You will find some of the best restaurants ANYWHERE in Caracas, and a lively cultural scene. The income and education levels are high, and the professional people are well-traveled.
There is another part of the city which the picture shows - the dramatic difference between rich and poor. Amazingly, Venezuela has the least disparity of any country in South America.
Caracas is the headquarters of numerous multinational corporations. US, European, and Asian companies visit their headquarters frequently. This means that headquarters persons must gather and compile information AND make presentations to visiting senior executives. These are often done in English. My training sessions are based on enhancing the presentation skills necessary to make more confident appearances.
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