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Nigeria images copyright Clear Communication Co

NIGERIA - Nigeria is an incredible country. Like many countries in the world the contrasts are obvious and bold! Rich and poor, privileged and neglected. You can see people living in luxurious high rises, while people nearby live on the streets. The country is rich in natural resources - primarily oil. Some benefit, but most do not. Large corporations have headquarters in Lagos and provide comfortable employment to many. But for most there are deficiencies in housing, transportation, and education.

An irony…poorer people eat locally grown food - vegetables, fruit, and fish caught from the sea. Richer people eat processed food. So, in general, poorer people are slimmer than richer people…opposite of the US.

Africa is a rapidly growing continent, and Nigeria has one of the fastest (If not the fastest!) growing populations in the world. Now seventh on the list and soon will be third - after China and India. Of course you know about Hollywood, and you have heard of Bollywood (India). Do you know about Nollywood? Nigeria is a major film-making country!

My assignment was with a major multi-national company. The topic was "Communicating Up." I worked with selected individuals who are future leaders. In seminars we stressed the skills needed to make a more confident impression. Each individual must "own" their part of the business and act like the CEO of that business. Reports from the Country Manager indicate significant improvements.

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