MEXICO - When I first visited Mexico years ago I remember visiting pyramids and colonial buildings. Times have changed! Things you may or may not know about Mexico City…It is one of the largest cities in the world with a population in excess of 25 million. Everything you have heard about traffic is true! At certain times of the day major streets do become parking lots. Like most major cities of the world there are parts of the city which are not safe. So you avoid them.
The air pollution situation has changed for the better. Vehicle emission standards and industrial waste rules are more strictly enforced. Environmental agencies from Los Angeles and Tokyo are coming to study Mexico City's positive efforts and results.
Mexico City is a cultural, architectural, and educational leader for the country and all of Latin America. Think of the excellent food you have experienced in your travels, and you can find it in Mexico City.
The economy of Mexico is strong and growing. By the year 2015, the GNP of Mexico will reach the top ten in the world. One example…you are aware of the economic strength of WalMart. Did you know that twenty percent (One out of every five) Walmart stores are in Mexico?
My work in Mexico is primarily with multinational corporations - with persons who are required to speak in English when English is not their first language. I am always challenged by the education level and professional capabilities of the Mexican people. Mexico is a great place to visit and a great place to work!
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