CHINA - Do you recognize these cities: Xian, Chengdu, Dongguan, Shenyang, Chongquing? They are Chinese cities with a population of more than 4 million! The story is that if you live in a large Chinese city and go away for a six month period, you will not recognize your own city when you return! I worked in Guangzhou. - ten million persons. I saw no rickshaws or rice paddies - only incredibly tall buildings, wide boulevards, and modern infrastructure.
The people in the major cities are educated, well-traveled, and very business-savvy. Some lessons I learned: eat whatever they serve you. Experiment…you may like it. Don't talk about their brothers and sisters: they don't have any! And if you are marketing products for children, remember that there are no experienced mothers! Only experienced grandmothers.
We worked on communication skills which they can use in conference calls and videoconferencing. They are as fascinated by us as we are by them. There is as much to learn from the Chinese as there is to teach them. China is now the second largest economy in the world - and growing! Any product or service which you have…get it to China, and you will do very well. If you have the opportunity to visit or work there, do it.
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