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Brazil Photos Licensed by Inmagine to Clear Communication Co

BRAZIL - is the largest country in Latin America - by far. It is just slightly smaller than the entire US and has the 6th largest economy in the world. Every international company is represented there, and the population is richly diverse. The food is truly cosmopolitan with a special type of steakhouse called Churrascarias. These are rotisseries which owe their origins to the fireside roasts of the gauchos of southern Brazil. Excellent!!

The two largest cities in Brazil are Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paolo is the city of business, and Rio is, well, Rio! (Carnival, beaches, and Christ the Redeemer statue).

I often use these two cities as examples in my communication classes when I concentrate on comfort and confidence.. Brazil can be divided (generally) into two communication styles. Those from Sao Paolo tend to be more business-like, formal, and staid. Those from Rio are the opposite: more outgoing, more colorful, and more expressive. So when I encounter persons who need more energy, excitement, and passion, am always urging them over to the "Rio" side.

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