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Antigua Photos Licensed by Inmagine to Clear Communication Co

ANTIGUA - The first duty you have in Antigua is in learning how to pronounce it! It's Anti-gah - not Anti-gwa.
It's a small country noted for its excellent beaches. It thrives on tourism with cruise ships landing there, and organizations holding meetings - usually in the winter!

My business assignments were for sales meetings for Glamour Magazine. The participants were those persons who sell advertising for the magazine. I also did a communication seminar for the Antigua Board of Tourism - representatives of all the tourist-related industries in the country. They are the "face and voice" of the country with audiences throughout the world. Several political officials were a part of the seminar.

Persons in these roles are constantly asked to speak in front of audiences…telling them about the country, showing slides of scenery and resorts. Their presentations are the "first impressions" which are designed to entice visitors and new residents. A good presentation can bring visitors to the island again and again. When you go there, a goal can be for you to visit all of the beaches. It will take you a year, because there are 365 of them!

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