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Smartest Person in the room

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Smartest Person in the room...

Do you know people who always seem to be the smartest person in the room?  They usually have something to say, and it's always "on point."  We all know persons who always have something to say, but it's not always that valuable.  What happens to persons who say valuable things…?  They are recognized, remembered, and valued.  The question is, "How do you get others to say that about you?"

First understand that people who are perceived as smart were not born that way or just got lucky!  The secret is that they prepare.  As you approach a meeting, ask yourself the questions which we assume are asked and answered in every newspaper story - Who, What, Why, When, & Where.

Who will be there?  Who's running the meeting?  If  you know everyone, refresh your memory about their habits, likes/dislikes… If you don't know persons who will be there, do some homework.  What is the topic or key point of the meeting?  Is the meeting routine or "special"?  Why this meeting, this day?  Is something pending?  Is the project having trouble?  When is the meeting?  If it's early morning and that's not your best time…get up earlier that day.  Is it just after a meal or just before cocktails…?  Prepare accordingly.  Where will the meeting be held?  If not in a familiar, comfortable setting, go there early and get familiar.

Now, practice the good things you can say!  With my clients who are political candidates we prepare and practice "sound bites."  How do you make your point in a clear and concise fashion?  All the famous lines which you remember were planned in advance…and practiced.  When you follow this process you will soon develop a reputation as the smartest person in the room!

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